Choose height of your slides and length of Brackets, if we have problem I will contact you . All sizes are approximate. also most popular are 7/8" usually standard for all epoxy slides , and 1-1/8" -it is available with Ridge inside designeed for KV 1284 Slides or without Ridge, Please note at checkout if you need without Ridge.
15/16" -72, 100562+100566
7/8"-669,95,340, 621RL
1"-160, 100564+100560,BR621
1-1/8"-116 with ridge or without ridge or lip
1-1/4" -BR604 3609 (0.5"Long only)
1-1/2" -BR6743
1-11/16" -BR627, 615, 6743 longer, 6742pins
1-3/4"-BR674, 6101, 615, 609 7/8LONG
1-13/16" -BBR687
1-7/8"-BR627, 644