Pocket hole drilling, or screw construction assembly, requires drilling an oblique hole (generally a 15-degree angle) in a piece for assembly with a second piece using a special screw. No clamping required. An adhesive is recommended but not required.
Length1 3/4 in
ThreadingPartial thread
Packaging Type sBox model X
Head Type Pan Washer
Drive requiredQuadrex
Screw Size8
Thread Type Coarse
Point Type Regular
Finish Zinc
Head Sizeno. 8
Drive Size#2 (Red)
BrandsReliable Products
Specific ApplicationPocket Hole Screws
Wood Screw Thread Count (PITCH/TPI)10
Typeof WoodSoftwood, Engineered Wood
Our DivisionsReliable Fasteners
Standards and CertificationsNot Certified
Packaging format Box of 1000